Tuesday, May 29, 2018



Miso (味噌?) Is a Japanese food made from fermented soybean stew, rice, or a mixture of both with salt. The fungus used for fermentation is Aspergillus oryzae (kōji-kin). Miso is used as a cooking spice for various types of Japanese food.

Miso color can be creamy yellowish, light brown, dark brown to blackish, with a texture like peanut butter. Miso taste is usually salty, but the taste, aroma, and color miso depend on raw materials, recipe, and fermentation time. Depending on its territory in Japan, miso raw materials can be rice, wheat, barley, rye, oat, and other cereals.

Fermented soybeans with kōjikin yeast break down soy proteins, simultaneously generating large amounts of amino acids. The delicious taste of the amino acid is known as "umami" which is the fifth taste of 4 main flavors: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Miso is sold in plastic bags or plastic bowls, and can be purchased in kilos. Miso, among others, is a source of protein, vitamin B-12, vitamin B-2, vitamin E, and isoflavones.