Sunday, June 24, 2018

consciousness -

Consciousness is an awareness of action. Conscious means feeling, knowing or remembering (to the real situation), remembering him, remembering (from fainting), waking up, waking up remembering, knowing and understanding, for example, the people are aware of politics.

Reflection is a form of disclosure of consciousness, in which it can provide or survive in certain situations and conditions in the environment. Every theory produced by a person is a reflection of reality and human reality.

Consciousness according to Sartre is italian and inseparable in the world. Consciousness is not the same as things. Awareness is always directed at etre en sio (there-so-only) or dealing with it. The situation in which Sartre's consciousness is confronted is called etre pour soi (self-existent).

That my awareness of something also reveals the difference between me and something. I am not equal to something that I realize there is a distance between me and the object that I see. Suppose entre pour soi refers to man or consciousness. Man is ether pour soi because he is not exactly one with himself.

The absence of human identity alone allows man to transcend, to overcome himself and connect things with himself in accordance with the intended and the purpose. The inconsistency of man with himself appears in consciousness marked by regativity, impulse. Negativity indicates that to etre pour soi or consciousness only says it is not what it is. So awareness here is a non-identity, distance, distansi.

The essential activity of consciousness is crack down, say no. Etre por soi is nothing but cracking down or showing nothingness. Freedom for Sartre is a cracking consciousness, and humanity itself is freedom.

It is in man that the existence precedes the essence, for man is always confronted with the possibility of saying no. As long as man is alive he is free to say no, just after death then the characteristics of his life can be exposed. (Alex Lanur, Introduction in "Words")

Consciousness as a conscious state, is not a passive state but an active process consisting of two essentials; differentiation and integration. Although chronologically the development of human consciousness takes place at three stages; sensation (perception), perrseptual (understanding), and conceptual (understanding). In the basic epistemology of all human knowledge perceptual stage.

Sensation is not simply stored in human memory, and humans do not experience isolated pure sensations. As far as the sensory experiences of a baby are known to be undifferentiated disorder.

Discriminated consciousness at the level of perception. The percep is a group of sensations that are automatically implanted and synthesized by the brain of a living organism. In this form of perception, man understands facts and understands reality. The perception of open sensation is the clear given to itself (the self evidence). Knowledge of sensation as a component part of the perception is not immediately obtained mnusia much later, is a scientific discovery, conceptual discovery.